Monday 15 November 2010

Classic Rock Magazine

This front cover is from the UK magazine Classic Rock. This is a 10th birthday special edition. The colours used are white, red and black. The main image is of the band AC/DC and the photo is in black and white. This is used to show they are an old band. Also using an old band and the masthead 'Classic Rock' shows the magazine is going to have content of rock bands from decades ago.The only text which doesnt include the header is all about the band featured on the magazine which shows its a special edition for that specific band. At the bottom the lightening sign has been used to represent the band. The masthead is large and white to make it stand out. The word rock is larger so the readers will be able to identify the genre of the magazine.

At the top of the magazine there is a series of brand images to promote free gifts. This is to appeal to the audience as its persuading them to buy it even more. The text 'Whole Lotta AC/DC' is an intertextual reference to the AC/DC song 'Whole Lotta Rosie' which will appeal to the audience as they'll understand its meaning. The figure inside the letter O is of a man with a guitar. This is representing rock music. This magazine aims at an older audience as it shows classic rock bands who they will like and its hard to find magazines out there with stories about them. This magazine's publisher is Future Publishing.

This is a contents page from a Classic Rock magazine. It is black and white which gives a classic feel and showing us its an old singer which is relating back to the masthead. The red number and 'cover story' and the black and white text is continuing the same colour theme which is conventional as its showing that its the same magazine. The features are on the right page are neatly presented which makes it easy to read. The woman is looking at the man which conotes that he must be good so we should look at him aswell. Her leg is out which could be to show some sex appeal to the audience.

This is a double page spread from the magazine Classic Rock. On the right page its a full page image of a singer. He is looking at the camera which looks like he is trying to make a connection with the readers. The arrows pointing to the quote draws your attention to the story. All the text is on the right to in black with a white background. This makes it easy to read and is continuing with the same colour theme which shows it still belongs in the same magazine.

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